Den afrikanske studentforeningen ved Universitetet i Oslo inviterer til temakveld om mental helse. Selv om psykiske lidelser er like utbredt i afrikanske land som i andre land i verden, er det mange tabuer knyttet til det i konteksten. Arrangøren håper å bidra til å bryte slike tabuer ved å sette temaet på agendaen.
Programmet er å finne på Facebook-eventen: https://www.facebook.com/events/375911092838649/
Info fra arrangørene:
Mental illness is a widespread issue in many African communities, yet highlighting this issue is often a big taboo both on the continent and its many diaspora communities abroad. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds, and the majority of all suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.
Instead of implementing and investing in policies and projects to combat this problem, we often dismiss them and the people who are affected by it. Why is the issue of mental health so stigmatized in our communities? And how can mental health providers best help individuals who are affected by mental illness in a way that respects their cultural and social context?
ASA is organising an event to tackle mental health among Africans along with a panel of experts of African origin. These experts are mental health professionals with different areas of expertise and have a unique perspective on mental health within African communities. By organising this event and speaking openly about mental health in an African context, we hope to create awareness about this taboo and break with the stigma our communities have around it. The panel will be interactive and you will be able to actively participate in the discussion around this issue. So come with all your questions and gain valuable knowledge.
The event will take place Thursday the 16th of November at 17:00-19:30, and will be held at Georg Sverdrups hus in Auditorum 2 at the University of Oslo.